Storage funding Austria

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To promote storage

Discover the advantages of photovoltaic battery storage funding now! This funding is not only available to private households, but also to farmers, companies and all institutions. You will receive a one-off investment cost subsidy for your battery storage, with up to 50 kWh of usable storage capacity being eligible for funding per application. Benefit from funding of 200 euros per kWh of usable storage capacity or 35% of the eligible investment costs. Contact us today to find out more and submit your application!

The photovoltaic battery storage subsidy is paid out in the form of a one-off investment cost subsidy, with a maximum of 50 kWh of usable storage capacity being subsidized per application. The amount of the subsidy is 200 euros per kWh of usable storage capacity or 35% of the eligible investment costs.

Interested parties can register online and submit applications, although certain documents are required. After positive review and approval by the Climate and Energy Fund, the funding will be transferred.

The funding campaign for electricity storage systems in Austria offers natural and legal persons the opportunity to receive financial support. This funding is not only aimed at private individuals, but also at companies, associations, schools and other institutions. Farmers and foresters must state their industry when applying, with various options to choose from, including agriculture, forestry, fishing or the production of food and feed.

The subsidized systems must be newly constructed and fully assembled and installed by specialist companies. The expansion of existing electricity storage systems with a usable storage capacity of up to 50 kWh is also eligible for funding, provided that the systems are used to store electricity from renewable energy sources.

There is no restriction on the size of the electricity storage system, but the Climate and Energy Fund will only support a maximum storage capacity of 50 kWh. Only one application for an electricity storage system can be submitted per location, but in buildings with multiple units, multiple applications are possible, but only one application per unit.

Companies can apply for funding for multiple electricity storage systems at different locations, as long as they are located at different locations. Systems delivered before January 1, 2024 are not eligible.

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Discover not only unbeatable prices, but also first-class advice that will comprehensively answer all your questions about funding, requirements and technical aspects. Our dedicated team is at your disposal, either via our practical contact form or by phone. Don't miss the opportunity to get in touch with us and benefit from our expertise.