MERSEN NH fuse gG size 000 400VAC 80A with live grip lugs DKM

€2,70 exkl. USt.
SKU: NH000GG40V80
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Опис продукту

The NH system is assigned to the plug-in fuse systems and is composed as follows:

  • Fuse base (possibly with terminal covers and phase cover)
  • fuse inserts with contact blades
  • Device for replacing fuse inserts (low-voltage plug-in handle)

Maintenance and repair must be carried out by qualified personnel.

NH fuse links of the "gG" operating class are used to protect cables, devices and systems. They safely switch off impermissible overcurrents and short-circuit currents up to the rated breaking current. "gG" fuse links also protect electrical devices and systems from the electrodynamic effects of high short-circuit currents.

The rated power output values ​​of Mersen NH fuse links AC 400V are lower than the maximum values ​​according to IEC 60269.

MERSEN NH fuse gG size 000 400VAC 80A with live grip lugs DKM

MERSEN NH fuse gG size 000 400VAC 80A with live grip lugs DKM

€2,70 exkl. USt.

Technical specifications

data sheet

Rated current: 80 A
Rated voltage: 400 V
Voltage type: AC
Rated breaking capacity: 100 kiloamperes
Design of indicator: Combined indicator

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