Fronius Wattpilot Home 11 years

€720,46 exkl. USt.
SKU: 4,240,404
Ціни плюс вартість доставки

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🇦🇹 Австрія: інформація про нульову ставку податку
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У зовнішньому таборі
Термін доставки: 7-10 робочих днів
Модель: Wattpilot Home 11 J 2.0
Опис продукту
The Fronius Wattpilot is the electric car charging box that always charges at the cheapest price. Not only can it be connected to your own PV system to charge self-generated solar power - in combination with variable electricity tariffs*, the Fronius Wattpilot always searches for and charges at the lowest price you want.
The Fronius Wattpilot in two versions and the 11 kW and 22 kW power classes: Home - the permanently mounted charging box for at home - and Go, the portable solution for on the go. The charging box is conveniently operated via the Solar.wattpilot app, which can also be used to select the two charging modes Eco or Next Trip.
Fronius Wattpilot Home 11 years

Fronius Wattpilot Home 11 years

Wattpilot Home 11 J 2.0

€720,46 exkl. USt.
Wattpilot Home 11 J 2.0

Технічні дані

паспорт даних

Frequency (input): 50 Hz
Network types: TT / TN / IT
Mains connection: 5-pole cable / 180 cm including neutral conductor
Rated voltage: 230 V (1-phase) / 400 V (3-phase)

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